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One day, my two cousins and I went to my grandmother's house to plant willows. When grandma heard that we wanted to plant trees, she pointed out a blank area where we needed to plant trees. Started to dig the tree pit, but, only one shovel, how to do? I think of a way, is that the three of us take turns to dig, who if tired of digging, change to another person to dig. At first, the three of us worked hard to dig. After nearly half an hour, we dug a 50 cm earth pit. Grandma gave us the willow seedlings. We carefully put in the willow seedlings, and then I held the young seedlings, two cousins filled the soil, and finally we stepped on the pit with our feet. Later, we used a basin to water it.


Although I'm tired, I'm happy. Because, I planted a willow tree, but also to add a color to nature.


  • 标签: 翻译 范文 柳树 作文 植树节 春游的英文作文带翻译
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